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Sæplast Norway AS
Tverrvegen, Ålesund
Pb. 9104, 6023 Ålesund
SÆPLAST is a world leader in the design and production of double-walled, insulated tubs and three-layer, specially strengthened PE tubs and palettes for use in manufacture of food products and in the recycling industry.
SÆPLAST is among the best-known export companies in Iceland. Its origin may be traced to Dalvík, a fishing town in Northern Iceland where the company was established in 1984. All the time since then the production of rotocast, insulated storage tubs has been the mainstay of the production of Sæplast and the company has been in the forefront in the wold in the design and production of these goods. During the first years, the company mostly served customers in the fishing industry but since then other branches of the food industry have brought the products of SÆPLAST into use.
Today, Sæplast has three factories, in Iceland, in New Brunswick in Canada and in Spain. The sales net of Sæplast is based on sales offices and representatives selling the company’s products all over the world.
SÆPLAST is among the best-known export companies in Iceland. Its origin may be traced to Dalvík, a fishing town in Northern Iceland where the company was established in 1984. All the time since then the production of rotocast, insulated storage tubs has been the mainstay of the production of Sæplast and the company has been in the forefront in the wold in the design and production of these goods. During the first years, the company mostly served customers in the fishing industry but since then other branches of the food industry have brought the products of SÆPLAST into use.
Today, Sæplast has three factories, in Iceland, in New Brunswick in Canada and in Spain. The sales net of Sæplast is based on sales offices and representatives selling the company’s products all over the world.