Norsk Sjømat utsetter børsnoteringen
Den 19. oktober vedtok Oslo Børs å ta aksjene i Norsk Sjømat ASA opp til notering på Oslo Børs. Knap fire dager senere snur Norsk Sjømat ASA og melder at de har valgt å utsette noteringen. Bakgrunnen skal være den økende uroen i finansmarkedet.
Norsk Sjømat ASA: Postponement of initial public offering and listing on Oslo Stock Exchange
Stranda, 23 October 2020: Reference is made to the previous announcements published by Norsk Sjømat ASA (“Norsk Sjømat” or the “Company”) regarding the Company’s initial public offering on the Oslo Stock Exchange (the “IPO” or the “Offering”).
While Norsk Sjømat has received highly positive feedback related to its business case as well as solid demand from domestic and international institutions, the increasing turbulence of the financial markets, especially within the seafood sector, means that investors have become increasingly cautious. As a result, the Company’s board of directors has decided to postpone the IPO process.
The Company’s board of directors will not provide further comments at the moment. However, the Company may resume the IPO process in the future.